10% discount on orders placed between 1-30 November 2024

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Why suppliers recommend steel water tanks as the commercial water storage tanks of choice

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Day Zero might have been pushed back until 2019, but it’s brought home the reality for South African businesses that water is a precious commodity that cannot be wasted. Business owners are realising that they can drastically cut down on their water consumption, do their bit for conservation, and reduce their water bills by collecting and reusing rain water. If you’d like to invest in a water storage tank or reservoir you’ll notice that you get steel, concrete and plastic options. Here’s why pressed steel sectional panel water tanks are the best choice:

Protect your commercial water storage supply – or waste

No matter what you need it for, you’ll agree that your conserved water needs to keep be protected, conserved and ready for use at a moment’s notice. Commercial water tanks must often exist in harsh conditions, especially in the mining and industrial sector. In these cases, you’ll need a hardy tank that offers superior performance without compromising on convenience. In other words, it still needs to be easy to transport and put together.

Zincalume tanks are perfect for this purpose as they are slow to corrode and can last several decades. Their existing aluminium, silicon and zinc coating does not need to be coated or galvanized in any way, meaning they’re also very low maintenance. Each one comes with a heavy-duty, food grade liner to prevent the shell and its contents from coming into contact with each other. This means that it can serve as a water catchment facility or even to contain other forms of waste, no matter how corrosive they may be.

Steel versus Plastic or Concrete

Concrete storage tanks are strong, but they tend to weaken over time and crack. Leaching can occur if the contents of the tank are acidic and this can also encourage bacterial growth. While it can be sealed, it makes the overall cost (in addition to installation, removal and repair) very expensive.

Plastic tanks are the most affordable of the three, but again you’ll experience pitfalls. They’re very susceptible to heat and UV rays and in very high temperatures can cause chemical leaching. It’s also the weakest of the three in terms of being impacted by corrosive materials.

It’s obvious then that a steel water tank is therefore the way to go.

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