- 011 965 6016
- sales@rainbowres.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00
📌 Please note that the 10% discount is applicable to the tank price only and does not apply to installation, transport, or fittings.
For effective Rainwater Harvesting
Ethiopia is not that much different from other African countries that face water shortages and a complete lack of access to clean water. The shortage of water in Ethiopia can largely be contributed to drought and politics. People living in the rural areas collect water from wells, streams and ponds that have become extremely shallow because of the prevailing drought and are usually contaminated with animal and human waste, worms and other bacteria. The result is a constant outbreak of diseases such as cholera and dehydration in the villages and towns of Ethiopia. The child mortality rate in Ethiopia is the highest in Africa and can be attributed directly to the diseases brought on by contaminated water. Woman and children spent nearly 8 hours a day travelling to and from water resources with plastic cans on their back. A dire situation that prevent children from attending school and getting an education which would have enabled them to escape from the poverty cycle in which they find themselves. One of the proposed actions through which inhabitants of Ethiopia can take control of the situation and manage available water resources is to harvest whatever rainfall they do receive.
The process of rainwater harvesting can go a long way to alleviate the problem and improve water supply in Ethiopia. The collection and storage of rainwater in tanks and reservoirs during the rainfall season can ensure an optimal supply of good quality water during the scarce times for domestic, industrial, agricultural and commercial use. Rainwater is soft and relatively pure. It possesses no man-made contaminants, minerals or salts. It leaves no scale-build up in appliances such as kettles and geysers. The conservation of water in Ethiopia through high quality reservoirs and tanks is now possible thanks to Rainbow Reservoirs – the leading suppliers of reservoirs Ethiopia
The dedicated and carefully selected network of distributors of Rainbow Reservoirs throughout Africa has now incorporated Ethiopia in the network for the supply of water reservoirs that conforms to the highest standards in design and construction. We provide the market in Ethopia with the finest Aluzinc® reservoirs and water storage tanks. Aluzinc® is a G-300 alloy coated structural steel that is highly resistant to corrosion. Aluzinc® water storage systems are ideally suited for a wide range of applications. The Agricultural sector uses it for irrigation, for supplying livestock with drinking water and processes associated with poultry farming. In the Mining and Industrial Sectors Aluzinc® water tanks are applied for the storage of water to be used in waste water treatments, domestic use, manufacturing plants and many more. The commercial sector, etc. shopping malls, schools, hospitals and many more, make us of our rainbow tanks to collect and store water for their daily operations, resulting in a significant cut in the utilities bill at the end of the month.
Rainbow Reservoir tank builders in Ethiopia construct only the best quality tanks and reservoirs with a capacity of 2 000 000 litres and smaller. We use only the highest quality Standard Components and can provide the customer with optional accessories such as level gauges, magnesium anodes (designed to provide protection against corrosion and increase life expectancy of our reservoirs) and a scour drain (allows for the removal of sludge build-up on the reservoir floor). The practical domed roof and outer steel walls of the reservoirs are designed for perfect balance and exceptional strength. We line the inside of the reservoir with .75mm thick EVA liners that conform to international food-grade standards. Depending on our customers’ requirements, reservoirs are available in different sizes and height and we even provide different colour options to choose from.
Click here to view the different Model Specifications.
The modular Rainbow Reservoirs are very easy to transport and install. Depending on the size of the tanks, installation can be done in only one day! Should you require a reservoir with a capacity of 400 000 litres or less, our tank installers in Ethiopia can construct the reservoirs on a sand base in one day’s time. All that is required from the customer is to prepare the sand base as per our instructions and to ensure that they adhere to all plans and bylaws. For the installation of water storage tanks with a capacity of more than 400 000 litres, a concrete base is needed. Because of its modular construction, reservoirs can be easily moved and relocated.
For cost effective Aluzinc®tanks by the leading manufacturer of tanks in Ethiopia – Call Rainbow Reservoirs today!
We all know that the availability of clean water is crucial for our survival. It is also the one essential component needed to accomplish the development goals of Sub-Sahara African countries and improvement of the quality of life of its people. At Rainbow Reservoirs we are dedicated to contribute to sustainable water storage solutions that will contribute to reaching the development goals in the following countries in Africa: Kenya, Namibia, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Angola, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, Zambia.