10 % discount on the price of your tank. Offer valid from 1 May 2024 to 30 June 2024

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Our Areas - Congo

Water Tanks Congo

The Congo is home to rainforests, rivers and plenty of water. But the country is continually faced with water scarcity issues owing largely, to a lack of infrastructure. Even though water is found in abundance, many of the people are yet to benefit from easy access to it. Bulk water holding tanks for potable water storage are one of the best solutions to this crisis.

Infrastructure is non-existent or damaged in many places and so access to clean drinking water remains scarce. Those living in the rural areas of The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) may suffer not only from malnutrition related to water shortages, but also from a lack of sanitation and the resultant spread of sanitation-related diseases together with associated complications that accompany limited access to clean, running water.

To make matters worse, the State water utility services struggle to improve or keep up with the demand for water as the water distribution system currently under construction, is far from completion. Water that is supplied to the rural areas of the country comes from infrastructure that has not been updated for decades and is now inadequate and often unreliable. Neither are the urban areas spared from the water shortages.

Most of the population has resorted to using water wherever they can find it which often means relying on unclean water sources. Currently, many people are compelled to source their daily water supplies from local streams, rivers and ponds. They have no choice other than to rely on water sources that may be unclean or contaminated with waste, chemicals and harmful bacteria.

But the fact remains that the DRC is a water-rich country and with the right systems in place, the populace could be spared the health-hazards always associated with the consumption of unclean water. And spared the inconvenience of being without this precious, life-sustaining necessity.

Our Value

Tank suppliers can make a difference

Within the next 4 years, the government, along with humanitarian organisations, aims to provide the nation with access to potable drinking water. The provision of bulk drinking water storage tanks and rainwater harvesting techniquesare cost effective optionsthat are immediately implementable.The ideal would be for the State water utility to upgrade their infrastructure to provide potable, stored water to the urban areas, but what about the rural areas? There are many remote villages spread over the entire country making it incredibly costly and near impossible to have suitable infrastructure put in place to service them all.

The use of water catchment tanks is nothing new and have always been a proven, popular and effective water containment method used in raw water tanks, emergency water reserve tanks, harvested rainwater tanks and recycled purified water tanks.

For many years now Rainbow Reservoirs has approached water conservation from two perspectives; firstly, it is a human concern and secondly, it isan environmental concern. People and environments are the worst affected when there are water shortages. Not only do droughts wreak havoc on food production, but the human population can quickly succumb to dehydration and illness.

Sustainable water conservation is the best way forward for this nation, by making sure that water is effectively stored and conserved so that evaporation or contamination of clean water is kept to a minimum.

This is where Rainbow Reservoirs’ bulk water storage tank systems become a preferred solution for water security tanks. Our standard range of engineer-designed tanks vary in capacity from 9500 litres to 2 million litres. Water tanks fitted with domed roofs form completely sealed units. The roofs prevent evaporation as well as the ingress of dust, insects and light (no algal growth!). The water tank liners (within our steel-walled tanks) with which the water is in contact, are internationally certified for human potability. Tank linings are also available for sewage treatment tanks, chemical tanksor specialised acid, temperature or fuel specifications for tanks used in mining, industrial, agricultural or processing applications within the DRC.

Rainbow Reservoirs Aluzinc® bolted steel, lined, panel tanks for storing water offer tried and tested solutions for drinking water and liquid storage. Aluzinc® steel is coated with highly corrosion-resistant G-300 zinc-aluminium alloy. Furthermore, corrosion-resistant components are used throughout construction of the tanks,which come in your choice of colour. Accessories such as water-level gauges, scour drains to vent sludge build-up, or fire-fighting attachments are also available. Rainbow Reservoirs is an accredited manufacturer, supplier and installer of fire-fighting tanks, fire tanks and hydrant tanks, flocculation tanks, food processing tanks, community tanks and water purification tanks.

Additional advantages are that Rainbow Reservoirs tanks:

  • under 400 000 litres require no concrete foundation (a huge cost and time saver),
  • are flat-packed for easy transportation and shipping,
  • are rapidly installed (within a day/days – depending on size),
  • are installed on-site in the remotest, inaccessible areas,
  • can be relocated,
  • are commissioned for use immediately after installation

Rainbow Reservoirs products are tough and durable, and are capable of withstanding the harshest of African conditions. Consequently, Rainbow Reservoir tanks have a 12-year warranty and a predicted lifespan in excess of 30 years.

Throughout the world, more than 1 billion people are in need of clean water while 2.6 billion need access to sanitation. And we need to start rethinking the way that we use and store water. Rainbow Reservoirs is a manufacturer, supplier and exporter of water containment tanksthat fully endorses sustainablewater conservation throughrainwater harvesting methods.


Rainbow Reservoirs’potable water storage reservoirsare currently in daily use in countries such as Zambia, Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Seychelles, Kenya, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC, Madagascar, Tanzania, Equatorial Guinea, Panama, and Angola.

For affordable, cost-effectiveAluzinc® steel water and liquid storage tanks, contact Rainbow Reservoirs today!

For us at Rainbow Reservoirs the supply of quality water storage systems for the conservation of water on a continent that is constantly challenged by an array of climate variables, is a commitment that we are very serious about. Our service area currently extends to the following African countries:NamibiaMalawiBotswanaZimbabweEthopiaAngolaNigeriaIvory CoastMozambiqueZambia.

Find out more about rainwater harvesting here.