10 % discount on the price of your tank. Offer valid from 1 May 2024 to 30 June 2024

📌 Please note that the 10% discount is applicable to the tank price only and does not apply to installation, transport, or fittings.

Fire protection tanks

Rainbow Reservoirs is an ASIB (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau) Listed and Approved Supplier of fire water protection tanks


Don’t let your business come under fire With fire posing a significant threat to infrastructure and human lives, fire safety regulations and building requirements mandate automated fire sprinkler systems supplied by dedicated fire-fighting tanks and fire hydrant tanks. Public buildings such as shopping and entertainment centres, hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, government facilities and office blocks are often required to have certified fire protection installations on their premises.

Rainbow Reservoirs is a member of the Fire Protection Association of South Africa (FPASA) and also an ASIB (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau) Listed and Approved Supplier of fire water protection tanks. We are the number one choice when it comes to ASIB listed steel fire protection tanks.

ASIB sets out strict regulations for the proper design and installation of fire sprinklers and other fire protection systems. Gaining clearance with the ASIB is indicative of adhering to the highest fire prevention standards. Since 1970, averaging four-thousand inspections per annum, the ASIB has no recorded loss under normal fire conditions of a structure with a Clearance Certificate in place.

asib certified tanks

Fire Protection Tanks

Our ASIB (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau) Listed and Approved Steel Fire Reservoirs incorporate the use of customised vortex inhibitors. Associated features such as flow control valves, water level indicators, safety ladders, inspection hatches, overflow pipes, and drainage systems work in harmony to ensure that fire fighting tanks can be relied upon to respond to fire-related incidents quickly and effectively.

From initial enquiries, to design, layout, and installation of fire control tanks, customers can be assured of expert advice and exceptional service from the Rainbow Reservoirs team.

For more information about Rainbow Reservoirs ASIB Listed and Approved Steel Fire Protection Reservoirs, call +27 (0)15 297 7641 or 082 809 6516, email sales@rainbowres.com