Any renewable energy source is regarded as exceptionally important in our modern society. With a changing climate that is resulting in intense droughts, devastating hurricanes and a diminishing ozone, investing in a clean, renewable energy source is definitely the way of the future. Biogas is fast becoming a valuable energy source which is contributing to the electric capacity which is being generated throughout the world. A recent UNEP report stated that the total amount of renewable energy which was generated in 2012 exceeded 1 470 GW which was a dramatic increase from the amount generated in 2011.
Currently renewable energy accounts for one fifth of the overall energy consumption used around the world. Forestry, crops, sewage, industrial residue, animal waste, and municipal waste are all used to create the biogas renewable energy. Traditionally biogas was used for cooking and heating purposes but these days it is being used for a number of other things as well. By the year 2050 it is thought that biogas will account for around one third of all energy.
Biogas is already being used in rural areas as well as in urban areas. Based on the industry needs, the creation of biogas is creating many job opportunities. The most common way that biogas is created is by combustion (burning). Biochemical processes also have the power to produce clean energy.

How is biogas made?
Most biogas is first created as a landfill gas. This is because the gas is produced by the breakdown of biodegradable waste which is found within a landfill. The gas is a chemical reaction as a result of the decomposing waste.
Why using biogas is important
The systems that are used to create bio-energy can greatly contribute to reducing greenhouse gases as they have the possibility of reducing the need to use fossil fuels. By providing a non-polluting energy source which is also renewable, the earth is being kept clean of harmful emissions. Biogas is also the ideal way to ensure that all areas have access to electricity. As a fairly cheap source of electricity, biogas is a fuel source that has the power to provide decent energy to the world.
Deforestation is the result of trees being cut down and used as fuel for fires in areas where there is no access to electricity. With biogas, the waste that would be there anyway can be used to create fuel. This means that trees do not have to be cut down and plants do not have to be damaged.
The advantages of having biogas
- Biogas is cheap to produce
Each year the price of electricity goes up, and with there not being enough electricity to keep the country powered, more power stations need to be built in order provide everyone with electricity. The electricity that we use these days comes with a hefty price but biogas can also provide stable electricity, and the power created will be cheaper. Biofuel can be used in vehicles to get people moving. Another factor that affects the price of biogas, is the fact that it can be produced in small amounts or large amounts.
- Biogas is a source of income
For those nations that struggle to provide employment for all of its people, the production of biogas can be the answer. Biogas plants are creating employment opportunities for people across all types of communities. In rural areas people can benefit in many ways as biogas will not only create job opportunities but it is also able to produce cheap electricity for homes and businesses that have previously been without it. With biogas being cheap to produce and cheap to set up, a business creating biogas can be a profitable one.
- Biogas is renewable
As a renewable source of energy, biogas can be constantly produced without the worry of the source of the fuel running out. At the moment, the vast amount of energy sources on the planet consist of non-renewable resources such as coal. As the fuel is produced from natural waste products, the source of the fuel is never going to run out. In a world that is suffering from the damage caused by the burning of fossil fuels, biogas is a most welcome renewable alternative.
Biogas is the fuel of the future and has the power to heal the earth, while creating jobs for those in need. Biogas is definitely one of the best alternative fuel sources.