Industrial Water Reservoirs
Industrial water reservoirs play an important role. An industrial water reservoir system does a lot more than store water for when the municipal water supply is interrupted
Why is Rainbow tanks necessary?
A big part of the earth surface is water but all can be used by people, animals, nature or the different economic sectors. The scarcity of water forced people to find a solution to combat this water scarcity problem. The scarcity of water has a vast impact on household and business financially as their water […]
Water Tanks – Uses & Availability
Water is most definitely one of the element in life that no one and no business can go without, be is to assist is tasks being done in the work place or to drink, water is needed. We all use it, but have you ever thought about where it is stored before it is used? […]
Why Are Round Water Tanks Better than Box-shaped Water Tanks?
Round water tanks have several structural advantages. The most commonly used water reservoirs have curved surfaces. They may have a spherical, paraboloid or cylindrical shape. Such round tanks enjoy structural advantages over tanks with square or rectangular surfaces. Economical Structure A cylindrical water tank has the least possible ratio of circumference to area i.e. less […]
Why a Single Rainbow Reservoir Tank rather than Plastic Tanks
Why should I install a single Rainbow Reservoir tank instead of a number of plastic tanks? There are several reasons why a single, bolted-panel steel tank from Rainbow Reservoirs is preferable over a number of polyethylene plastic tanks making up the same volume: COST The cost of a single Rainbow Reservoirs tank is significantly less […]