10% discount on orders placed between 1-30 November 2024

📌 Please note that the 10% discount is applicable to the tank price only and does not apply to installation, transport, or fittings.

How do steel water tanks compare with plastic water tanks?

Whats the difference between domestic/household tanks and plastic water tanks? Rainbow Reservoirs 9,500 litre Zincalume steel tanks are becoming a preferred choice for domestic/household water storage from boreholes and rainwater harvesting from household roofs in water-scarce areas. Built of highly corrosion- resistant components throughout, these premium quality tanks have several advantages over plastic tanks: they […]

Meat price hikes to leave consumers hungry

Farmers without water storage tanks have been left devastated by the drought. And as a result of the lack of water, the prices of red meat is about to skyrocket leaving the already struggling consumers left to consider red meat as a delicacy rather than a staple part of their diet. The experts are warning […]


YOUR COST EFFECTIVE WATER STORAGE SOLUTION Rainbow Reservoirs is the ORIGINAL supplier of the highest quality ALUZINC®  sealed, bolted steel panel tanks for multi-application liquid or water storage solutions in use throughout Africa. Our renowned and sought-after products are in extensive use across most sectors of the economy as pivotal components in domestic, rural, agricultural, […]

Why a Single Rainbow Reservoir Tank rather than Plastic Tanks

Why should I install a single Rainbow Reservoir tank instead of a number of plastic tanks? There are several reasons why a single, bolted-panel steel tank from Rainbow Reservoirs is preferable over a number of polyethylene plastic tanks making up the same volume: COST The cost of a single Rainbow Reservoirs tank is significantly less […]